Date of Animal Bites: 01/01/1970
Date of 1st Dose of vaccination (day0): 01/01/1970
Dose Type Dose of vaccine Dose day 0 Dose day 3 Dose day 7 Dose day 14 Dose day 28 Summary
IM (Intra Muscular) 1 entire vaccine vial 01/01/1970 25/01/2025 29/01/2025 05/02/2025 19/02/2025 Total 5 injection 5 visit
ID (Intra Dermal) 0.1ml per dose on each Arm 01/01/1970 25/01/2025 29/01/2025 NIL 19/02/2025 Total 8 injection 4 visits
  • * Site of vaccine injection: Adult/Children : Deltoid muscle (IM/ID) Infant and Children : Anterolateral thigh(IM)
  • * All category III bites wounds must be infiltrated with Rabies immunoglobulin.
  • * If you have never been vaccinated for Rabies, this is the schedule you need to follow.